The weather has been just like summer all weekend and it's only the first week of April! Last year at this time we were still bundled into winter coats and boots. But for the past few days it's been teeshirts and sandals!
YoungerSon and
The Bride and
Isaac spent Easter weekend with The Bride's family, so I got to puppysit
Tessa for three days. It was perfect this morning for a long walk through York Regional Forest.

We took the main trail through
Eldred King Woodlands, heading towards the pond.

It turned out that a lot of other people had the same idea. When we got to the pond there must have been at least 15+ dogs of every imaginable size, shape and colour, all chasing sticks and each other. Tessa willingly joined in all the fun, happily braving the cold water to retrieve as many sticks as I wanted to throw for her.
She made friends with Hamish (golden retriever) and Bruno (black lab) and they played chase for ages, diving into the pond to cool off every time they got too hot.

Then I had to take a stinky wet dog home in my nice clean car.

"What, Nana? We have to go home now? Can't I stay and chase Hamish and Bruno a bit longer? Pleeeeese?"