Saturday, 11 October 2008

Already Planning for Spring

It's never too early to plan for Spring flowers. Once the snow is starting to melt, I'm out there every day searching for tell-tale green tips breaking through the frozen ground. I'm already excited about seeing these beauties bobbing in the breeze.

These daffodil and tulip bulbs will be planted today. I just hope the neighbourhood treerats squirrels aren't watching and making little maps that say "X marks the spot". The mangy flea-infested rodents dear little furry creatures are quite partial to a mid-winter dinner of my juicy spring bulbs.


  1. Don't apologize for your lack of love for squirrels.

    I call pigeons "rats with wings" because they are nasty little critters and poop all over the place. Every time I see old ladies feeding bread crumbs to pigeons, I feel the urge to shout, "Why don't you feed them outside your windows so they can poop all over your apartment!"

    *runs away from flying pigeon poop*

  2. I guess they know where the best buffet in town is. Happy planting Shammie.

  3. Squirrels will demolish any thing....plants, bulbs, trees,.... anything even if they don't like it. Deer aren't much better.

  4. Squirrels are only adorable within the confines of a Beatrix Potter book.

    I love tulips! I look forward to seeing them in the spring!

  5. Squirrels and chipmunks! They are so cute, but so destructive!! I have had tulips and crocuses moved to different areas and lots just eaten!
    Hope yours stay put and come up beautifully next spring.
    Have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend.

  6. Can't wait to see your spring flowers when spring rolls around! And I see you only have 9 more days until Florida...woo hoo!!

  7. That is amazing that you start planting these bulbs now and it is only October! I too hope your little furry friends go elsewhere for their Mid Winter Snacks! (lol)

  8. Good news: the narcissus/daffodils are poisonous so the squirrels will likely leave them alone. Ahhhh, but the tulips will be a tasty treat indeed. ;-)

  9. We ranked today fallen leaves from our backyard, so, no it`s the time for those planning and planting!
    Greetings to you and somebody else!
    Are you now going to Florida?

  10. thanks for popping by my blog. A happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    I got a pile of bulbs from Brecks last week but its much too warm to plant them, I am going to wait a week or two.


  11. Ha-ha, wonderful how you cross out the nasty bits.

    Make sure to show us the flowers in the spring when we very much need cheering up.

  12. Squirrels ate all my sunflower seedlings this past spring. Hope they don't tiptoe through your tulips this winter!

  13. Maybe you should make it during the dark hours?

  14. They are destructive little beasts aren't they. If the squirrels don't get the bulbs, and they send up shoots, the rabbits show up for a feed.

  15. Hi, Squirrels are lovely creatures as long as they are in someone else's garden,although we find its some of our feathered friends that do most of the damage when it comes to pulling up/damaging/eating/moving our bulbs.

  16. It's those pesky pecary, native pig like creatues that root up my tulips. They leave the narcissi alone though:)

  17. Sounds like a good plan. Half of my bulb flowers seem to have disappeared from my garden and magically popped up in my next door neighbour's flower bed. Clearly she's hired a clever squirrel.


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