Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Oh, Those Teachers....

Callum will be going to nursery school in September and I was reading through the many pages of rules and regulations....

.... and I found this statement a bit surprising.
You'll probably have to click on the pic to read it. And then smile.

Surprise, surprise.... Hilary has awarded me a POTW Award.... thanks so much, Hilary! And many thanks to the staff at the Tottenham Community Nursery School for giving us all a good giggle, even though it was unintentional.


  1. Ha ha!! You would think the teachers could control themselves!! Why do people never proof read what they have wrote:/ My husband says "will these little kids be taking the piss out of the teachers. Perhaps instead of the teachers pet taking an apple, they should take an incontinence bag"!

  2. I did click on your photo and read the statement with a chuckle. Strangely and/or sadly it IS a sign of our cautious times. :)

  3. Bwahaha! Hmmm. Whoever wrote that needs to go back to school. :)

  4. And these are the people who are "teaching" our children?? LOL!
    It is funny...but it is also quite discouraging---A sign of the times, like ALL the typos one sees now in Newspapers and Magazines....!

  5. Visions of teacher standing over a child peeing on them LOL!

  6. Yes, some grammar lessons required. You know MP was a primary school teacher; well from our place we can hear the school bell in the distance and every time it rings for playtime, she has an urge to visit the toilet.

  7. Yes, a badly put together sentence. I would have thought that a kid at school would have long been out of nappies?

  8. That is so funny! I can't believe they let that one get by. What a great find. I got a good laugh out of it.

  9. thanks for the offer of your outfit, it wouldn't fit though I am larger. It looked lovely on you though, I love the colour.


  10. That's what I want on my teacher's resume...I'm there to change the diapers.
    I hope they behave themselves.
    It seems most of the nursery schools around our area require the child to be potty trained before they will acept them in the school.

  11. Soiled by one of the teachers. I do hope the punishment is severe and that Callum gets to witness it! :)

  12. Is that called a dangling participle? Great find! Congrats on the POTW.

  13. Ha!! That is so funny!!
    So much for proofreading!!!
    Congrats on your potw

  14. oh dear me! :) congrats on your POTW!

  15. PU adult diddies. Do you know how bad that smells?Depends


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