Saturday, 3 April 2021

April Update!

I seem to have been AWOL from the blogging world for a couple of weeks. Starting today, Saturday, the whole Province of Ontario has been ordered back into another Covid lockdown due to rising infection numbers and overwhelmed hospital ICU. The restrictions are not quite as rigid as the previous lockdown, but won't make much difference to me as I'm not going much further than the grocery store! I've been keeping busy at home. 

I have been making dark brown pumpernickel bread. I was interested to learn that the dark colour comes from molasses, a spoonful of instant coffee, and two spoonfuls of cocoa! Surprising. Tastes terrific, I'm going to make this again.

A field of sunflowers, acrylic on paper, the flowers created by dropping rubbing alcohol onto wet paint.... sounds weird but it works!

More weirdness. Is this outer space? Or under the sea? I've been experimenting with different techniques and shapes and colours, well, I have to keep busy and I haven't actually painted anything worthwhile for ages. 

I call this one "I can't start the #@&%$*! lawn mower!"

OlderSon has been tapping his maple trees. The weather was perfect for running the sap for a few days, warm sunny days and chilly nights, but the season is over. It takes 40 litres of sap to boil down to 1 litre of syrup. He got just over 2 litres of syrup. I hope he invites me for pancakes when all this Covid disruption is over.

Oh... almost forgot, I got the first dose of Pfizer vaccine two weeks ago, next dose booked in July! The first step to getting back to "normal". I am so thankful.


  1. I love maple syrup on pancakes but I had no idea about the process. Good news that you've had your first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I have had my two vaccinations of the Pfizer, the second jab just the other day and it is quite a relief and I'm thankful too.

    1. I agree, maple syrup is the best on pancakes! I have heard that the second jab often causes a day or two of flu symptoms, hope you didn't get that reaction.

    2. I'm afraid I did. Woke up during the night with a headache and chills but it only lasts a day or two and to my mind proves the vaccine is doing it's job.

  2. I just love your art and artful experiments.
    Love the sunflower technique.
    That bread sounds divine. I'm afraid I would eat the entire loaf, of course slathered in butter.
    Somehow I wonder if we will ever get out of this pandemic.. Hope your lockdown is effective and for not too long.
    My Dave is progressing. Physical therapy was here the other day and will be back on Tuesday. He has sets of exercises he is to do every day.
    The mental part of all of this is difficult..he gets sort of depressed not being able to do the things he usually does. But we are getting through this and have had friends and family keeping close tabs.
    Thanks for asking and I do wish you well...have a slice of that yummy bread for me (:0)

    1. The bread is very good, especially toasted with butter, and a touch of marmalade!

  3. That bread looks great. I think I have to try it.

    And your art is full of life again. I like it all, especially the alcohol sunflowers.

    1. This bread is a lot darker in colour than the photo shows, and it's very delicious. Thanks for the art compliment!

  4. Not painting anything worth while? You are seriously under estimating yourself. I would gladly hang your clever sunflowers and your unmowed lawn...
    The bread looks delicious - and no doubt made the house smell great too.
    Hooray for being vaccinated. I am some weeks off the first I think.

    1. I am very thankful for the vaccine, and I hope that the second appointment will be moved up once more supplies become available.

  5. The bread looks great, I love pumpernickel bread. Nice art, I like it.

    1. Thanks for the art compliment, it's always fun to splash paint around.

  6. I always appreciate all that work this time of year to produce maple syrup for another year,

    1. Nothing better than home made maple syrup on home made pancakes!

  7. Lockdowns don't affect me much either.
    I will get my jab in another week.
    Your art is fun. I like the sunflowers.

    1. The Covid jab was so well managed and easy to book, all very organised, and they even authorised my parking stub! Now I have to wait until July for number two. Thanks for the art compliment, I'm trying out new techniques.

  8. Hello! To be experimental and adventuresome on art is so nice. The field of laughing (or shouting?) sunflowers is awesome, the next one looks lollipop candies, and the last one made me imagine what creature would be inside of the mysterious grass thicket. I do love maple syrup from Canada. Infection is rapidly increasing in my country, too. Nice to know you had your first jab. Take care.


    1. I am smiling about the noisy sunflowers. And perhaps I should add some mysterious eyes looking out of the long grass.
      Infection rising here also. The current lockdown has closed all the small family shops, hair salons, gyms, restaurants, but has allowed the big stores to stay open, so that is where the people go to spend money.... and the infections continue.

  9. I'm not quite if the syrup season is done here. We're still consistently seeing nights with temperatures dipping below the freezing mark.

    1. You're right, still a few sunny days and cold nights to come. That syrup is so delicious!

  10. Years ago I lived in Québec and had a friend whose brother still operated the family farm near Shawinigan. The syrup we received from there was THE BEST - but perhaps the memory of the years has improved it! It is in any event one of nature's most delectable bounties!

    1. Such a delicious taste! I am addicted. I had never tasted maple syrup before I came to Canada. The idea of making food from tree sap.... how outrageous!


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