Saturday, 1 January 2011

A Fresh Start

It's rainy and foggy and damp and drippy outside my window today, but the good news is that the snow is melting fast and giving us a fresh start to the New Year! I can actually see some green grass out there.

And more good news... my rotten Christmas head cold/flu is mostly gone, my 2010 bills are all paid (which is what you're supposed to do every First of January), and I only have a few more unpacked boxes languishing in the basement waiting for my attentions.

So now it's time to think about those pesky New Year Resolutions.

Well, I don't smoke, spit, drink to excess, swear like a trooper, commit violent acts towards helpless furry animals or otherwise misbehave myself (obviously, I'm really boring), so there's not much there to promise to reform.

However, I have a feeling that 2011 will be a good year. So many changes in my life have taken place in the past few months. Some happy, some sad. Some of the good things..... I'm living in a nice new house, I'll be meeting new neighbours, making new friends. My family are all well and remain employed (thank goodness), my two little grandboys are thriving. YoungerSon and his family live within walking distance. I have good health (apart from that nasty Christmas cold) and I am so thankful. Some of the sad things.... a good friend moved away, but not so far that I can't visit, and there were funerals for people who passed away much too young. I wonder what this year holds in store?

Wherever you are in Blogland..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  1. Happy New Year to you, Sham, and my best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2011! It's a fresh start for many of us, looks like! :)

  2. Glad you are settling in OK. Snap with having flue over Christmas.

    Is that your garden? It looks a fair size. If it is, that will keep you out of mischief!

    Wishing you all the best for the coming year.

  3. Happy New Year, Shammy! Have fun in the new year in your new house. I must say, you're a whirlwind when it comes to unpacking! "a few boxes in the basement" and you JUST MOVED??? Uff da!!

  4. It's nice to hear from you again. It sounds like you are off to a good start. Happy New Year.

  5. All the best in 2011. Sounds like you've made a great start for a great year!

  6. Glad to see you are back in blogdom. Sorry about your cold and hope it takes a hike completely very soon.
    I feel 2011 is a passel of new beginnings too. So happy that you are settled and looking to the bright side.
    Happy and Healthy New Year.
    Sue of photowannabe

  7. A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, MY DEAR...May 2010 be a wonderful year for you & for all those that you love!

    I looked at your counter for your two Grandboys...Almost THREE??? I remember when he was born!

    Much Good Luck in your new 'digs', my dear...!

  8. May 2011 be a great one for you.

    Bonne Année!

    Word veri: outpusi

    That's what I say to our cat every night!

  9. I too hope you have a happy and loving 2011.......


  10. Even if one is not as "perfect" as you, I wonder if the new year promises really are useful. You hardly ever keep to them anyhow and then it's just a frustration! :-)

    Happy New Year anyhow in your new house!

  11. I have a feeling 2011 will be a great year for you, Sham. I'm thrilled for you. Happy New Year!

  12. Similar scene [except for the fence] outside our window this morning, and for the foreseeable short term future it seems.

    Hope the new year brings you joy and lots of fun things to do.

    B & F.

  13. That kind of boring is good. The world could use more people like you.

  14. the best thing about rainy weather is the sound of raindrops :)

  15. Happy New Year Sham! So excited to see what 2011 has in store for ya! Can't wait to hear all about it and so very happy that your computer and monitor are back in business. :) And how cool that you live within walking distance to YongerSon and family!


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