Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Star Wars and Sign Wars

 Do you know what day it is today? It's Star Wars Day...... May the 4th be with you!

I'll let you to celebrate this special Star Wars Day with whichever of the Star Wars films is your favourite.  Meanwhile.... in my small town just north of the big city, a bitter war of words is breaking out. A word of warning..... this could be rather punny.

And it's not over yet! We won't see the white flag waving for quite a while.

Note: Photos have been "borrowed" from the local facebook page. Not my camera work.


  1. How fun..
    I love the community effort for Phun...
    Happy Star Wars Day to you too.

  2. These are hilarious. Great community spirit.

  3. Now that is a war I could/would watch with very real pleasure. And war and pleasure are NOT words which flow together for me.

  4. Good fun and great community spirit.

  5. Community spirit and being creative. Great fun for the businesses.

  6. Absolutely brilliant Shammi and so clever too. Look forward to seeing more 😉

  7. Haha, what a great way to brighten up a day :)

  8. Thanks for all the comments.... the sign war continues. They are getting very innovative with the puns!

  9. It's great fun, but there are a couple of real groaners in there!

  10. Sign wars look like fun. We could use a bit of that these days.


All comments welcome.... unless your name is Anonymous..