Saturday, 9 November 2024

Blowin' in the Wind

The view from my window.  This is definitely a very noisy way to tidy up the leaves, but it doesn't take long with two people at it.  The leaves are all gone now, taken away in a big truck, and deposited in a giant compost pile.  There are still a few hangers-on on the trees, hopefully enough to provide some winter homes for insects and small animals.


  1. That is quite the pile of leaves! A job for sure!

  2. Wow. That is a LOT of leaves. We home compost ours.

  3. Nature’s best fertilizer and winter blanket blown away. And the noise of those things is really annoying.

    1. I agree, I have no say in what happens to the leaves unfortunately, however there are still a few left on the trees yet to fall.

  4. Trees are still thick with leaves here. The leaves will become part of earth and enrich the soil to grow new lives.

  5. That is a big pile of leaves. Leaf blowers are faster than rakes, that is for sure


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