Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Lady in Waiting

In the back parking lot of the local physiotherapy office...
Mrs Goose is waiting patiently for a happy event. I wonder where Mr Goose is? I'll be going back next week, so I'll report on the family's progress then.
UPDATE ... sadly the nest was raided by unknown intruders, and all that remains are broken eggshells. I hope Mr and Mrs Goose have better luck in a more secluded nesting place.


  1. Looks like Mrs Goose has picked a fairly open and busy spot to start her family Shammi, perhaps Mr Goose is on guard duty 😊 Looking forward to the follow up!

  2. Unbelievable that she would be in such a public place. The geese I am familiar with won't let anyone within 10 meters of them.

  3. Very nice! They really aren't very shy about being around people.
    We have them nesting everywhere around here.

  4. A lot of our Canadian snowbirds have left. But your Canadian geese are sticking around to see just how hot our summers get. They'll fly north pretty soon.

  5. I suspect Mr Goose is out with the boys - and am really looking forward to family updates.

  6. She'll need some physiotherapy later.

  7. Near a parking lot. That's one brave or misguided Mother Goose...:)

  8. They take turns on the nest so he should be along. You can give us a day by day account of the geese all summer now


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