Friday, 15 August 2008

160 Years

This week, the company that I spent most of my working years with celebrated 160 years of operation by hosting a lunchtime BBQ for employees and retirees.

A giant portable stage was erected in the parking lot and volunteers cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone. On Natural Gas BBQs, of course. The celebrations were kicked off by a proclamation delivered by Markham's Town Crier.... and believe me, he wasn't in need of a microphone to get his message across.

John Webster has been the Town Crier of Markham since 1987, and has attended Town Crier competitions all over the world, winning three World Championships.

I've been a retiree for a while now, so it was good to go back and reconnect with some of my fellow workers. Some commemmorative words were spoken by the CEO and various other dignitaries and then the Enbridge choir sang a few songs.

A troupe of jesters, jugglers and street entertainers were on hand to keep the hungry crowds from rioting entertained while waiting in line for hamburgers. This chap was quite the gentleman.

Looks like I made a friend.
This young man was busily juggling flaming torches and doing a bit of fire eating.

He was pretty entertaining with his flaming torches but once he put them out, he suddenly wrapped his left arm round the back of his head in the most uncomfortable way... but he kept smiling.
Yes, that's his arm you see here...

And then he wrapped his right arm round the back of his neck, and he's still smiling.

I was starting to feel very uncomfortable.
My shoulders were starting to hurt.

And then he juggled a ball from left to right... or was it right to left.... ewwww you'd think this would hurt a lot wouldn't you?
It makes my arms ache just looking at this picture.


  1. Oh my goodness! Hpw does he do that?!! My shoulders hurt too!

    Looks like you had a lovely reunion. I've herd that town crier, though...and he definitely does NOT nee a microphone!

  2. Translation of what I jus wrote (HMMMM):

    Oh my goodness! How does he do that?!! My shoulders hurt too!

    Looks like you had a lovely reunion. I've heard that town crier, though...and he definitely does NOT need a microphone!

    (My brain works faster than my fingers.)

  3. Yikes! That looks seriously weird! I mean, I'm lucky if I can reach behind me to scratch my back in the right place, but that...

  4. ooo thats freaky

    and world championship town crying - who would have thought it!!

  5. Yikes....owwww....that makes me squemish just looking at it. Great shots though.
    Looks like a grand celebration was had by everyone. Nowadays companies don't do much celebrating.

  6. I'll bet that guy's dexterity comes in handy when the kids are misbehaving in the back seat.

  7. Seems like a great company to have worked for, to put on that for everyone! Nice photos, especially of you!

  8. It looks like it was quite an event with that big grand stand and free food and entertainment.

    I'm still ROTFLOL at the "blah blah 160 years blah blah". You are so hilarious! Those little snippets of your wit are such treats!!

  9. The Bag Lady used to be able to do that arm thing, but only one arm at a time. It looks seriously strange to do both.
    (Oh, and she just tried to do one...aarrgghh...where's the Advil?)

  10. The photo of you with the juggler is worth this entire post! :)

  11. Now if that act was an Olympic sport, you might have your first medal!

    Maybe the athletics, eh?

    PS MP just shouted for me to come and watch us win a gold in the Men's Pairs Rowing over you guys I'm afraid.

    So I take it back. You have your first!

  12. Looks like a fun time...I was enjoying it until that fellow started to move his arms in ways that they are not meant to be moved...eeek! Gives me the willies..!
    Good piccy of you..!
    Hope you are enjoying the summer, rain notwithstanding..?

  13. See! It looks like you have fun there too!!

    It is the raft race tonight so wish us luck!

    Have a good weekend!


  14. I cringed when I saw the photos of the contortionist. Eck!

    So where are the BBQ photos? I want to see some food porn. :-)

  15. I can't believe you have a town cryer!! My internet is so slow, so I'm sorry I couldn't load any pics. I wonder what company was in Canada so long?? :) That link wouldnt open either, due to slowness.

  16. What a fun day! It looks like such a great party and to see all the entertainment had to be really great!
    That guy with the ARMS...well he must be triple jointed or something, so for him, there is no pain doing this....Like you, it looks excrutiating to!

    I cannot believe your dear sweet Grand "baby" is already 5 months old!

  17. Yikes that looks painful. And I had no idea Enbridge has been around for so many years. Thanks for the reminder that I need to pay my bill. ;)

  18. That's Markham, Ontario, Right? I knew that town when it was barely a blip on the map! We had a church up in Ringwood in the 60's.

  19. Oh...that would be so helpful if I could do that to scratch my back!

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