Saturday, 20 January 2007

Following the snow plow

We haven't had much snow yet this winter, but the snow plows soon take care of it. Those snow plow drivers do a great job!
This Region has an $11.5 million Winter Maintenance program, with $2.5 million budgeted for salt alone.
Number of vehicles for winter maintenance 64
Average time for salt or sand spreading (one round of all Regional roads) 90 minutes
Average time for plowing and salting/sanding (one round of all Regional roads) 130 minutes
Average amount of salt used (one round) 340 tonnes
Kilometres of Regional Roads 1,049 km
Lane kilometres of Regional Roads 3,479 km
Cost of salt per tonne $70.59
Cost of salt (one round) $24,000
Cost of salt-brine (one round) $11,500
Cost of one round of salting (includes equipment and labour) $43,000
Cost of one round of plowing (includes one round of salting, equip. & labour) $44,500
So that's where my tax money's going!


  1. Can you imagine just to clear the white stuff out of our way. Amazing isn't it.

  2. It's only PART of where the tax money goes. LOL

  3. Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog. That snowplough stuff is mad, not having snow in the cities here I just can't quite fathom the level that you get it.

    Oh, and I read how you celebrated Robbie Burns Day, is there a hint of scottish there? My good friend is the only actor to perform the one man play in Scotland, the show ran for about 30 years!! So long live Robbie's memory.

  4. As you know ex shammy, we have Syd with his bucket of salt here in Combe Martin at a cost of about $10 per year. Not much snow around here but they say it is coming this week!

  5. I have to admit I'm glad we don't require snowplows. Glad they are around for those who need them though, even if the removal is expensive.

  6. I do think the UK could learn something from this. Couple of blobs of snow and we grind to a halt!!!!!

  7. Interesting stats. Something we don't have to worry about. Ever!

    We have a couple of friends in Ontario, one lives in Toronto downtown and the other in Georgetown. Visited Ontario in 2002 and might be again next year.

  8. Oh my! It never occurred to me to figure out all these stats for places that usually get lots of snow (like where I grew up in Michigan). That is quite educational, to say the least!!

    So, with all that tax money budgeted, let's hope you get your money's worth of snow!


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