Can you spot the addition?
Random ramblings from the cluttered brain of a Brit ex-pat North Devonian trying to keep cool in the steamy summers and warm in the frosty winters of The Great White North.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
...and the Cat came back....
Can you spot the addition?
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Cedar Fence
Sunday, 27 January 2008
I didn't know a puppy required so much equipment. The list included:
1. Padded Bed (for snoozing in the kitchen during the day)
2. Blanket for the Bed
3. Cage (for sleeping in the hall during the night)
4. One blanket inside the cage and another one to cover the cage
5. Folding puppy gates
6. Juicy beef knuckle bone for a special treat
7. Packet of lamb flavour doggy biscuits
8. Tupperware container of special Puppy dog food
9. Collar and leash
10. Generous handful of chew stix
11. Rawhide bone (she didn't like this much)
12. Tennis ball
13. Squeaky toy
14. Food dish and water dish
15. Bitter apple spray (to discourage chewing on the furniture)
16. Carpet cleaner spray (in case of accidents)
17. Puppy handling guide book
WOW. Worse than having a rambunctious toddler come to stay. But we had a great time. Lots of long energetic walks in the forest.

Saturday, 26 January 2008
Colours of Winter
Thursday, 24 January 2008
The Burns Supper

Before the meal can begin, it is traditional to quote Burns' famous poem, Address To A Haggis, you can find the words and the translation here, followed by "The Selkirk Grace".

Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Preparing for Robbie

This year is the 249th anniversary of his birth in Alloway, South Ayrshire, Scotland. Quite the handsome devil, methinks.
St. James Presbyterian Church celebrated a little early by feeding 160 people a traditional Burns Supper.
This included 25 huge turnips boiled to perfection...

Saturday, 19 January 2008
Going to Church tomorrow?
Friday, 18 January 2008
Five things...
I'm supposed to name five things in my current life that I never dreamed would be in my future when I was 25 years old. Then I have to tag five other people who, hopefully, will do the same and report back! OK... let's go! (be warned, it's pretty boring)
Thinking back to when I was 25, I had been married for 4 years, I had emigrated to Canada and was living in Toronto, a very long way from my family in England.
- At 25, I couldn't imagine how my life would change with the responsibility of children, but OlderSon was born the following year, and YoungerSon followed a few years later. And I managed fine. My family has grown. I have two gorgeous daughters-in-law. A bouncy grandpuppy, two grandkitties and two grandhorses. And a beautiful grandbaby about to make his/her debut. Yippee!
- International travel was non-existent during my childhood, so I never throught I would see the wonderful places I have visited... Egypt, Israel, France, Greece, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, USA... the list goes on.
- I didn't imagine working for the same company until retirement, but I did.
- I certainly didn't envision having a computer of my own, or a fax machine, or a cell phone, or playing video games, or being able to communicate with people all over the world via the magic of the Internet.... all futuristic technology back in 1970.
- As children, my friends and I would wonder if we would be alive when 1999 turned into 2000. It seemed so far in the future. But here I am, I survived Y2K and I intend to stay around for quite a few more years.
I'm not tagging anyone to do this... if you want to take up the challenge , please do!
Monday, 14 January 2008
Is Red Dead?
This article in theToronto Star says that redheads may be a thing of the past in 100 years time.
Both parents need to carry the recessive gene to produce a redhaired baby. My father had red hair but nobody in my mother's extended family did, so I was a surprise. I have quite a few redhaired cousins on my father's side of the family.
It was the bane of my life as a kid. I was called GingerNut, Red, Carrot Top. One girl wondered how I could sleep at night. "Doesn't your hair keep you awake?" she asked. Hmmmm.
My mother always dressed me in blue, she said it went well with my hair. I avoided wearing blue for years, but I like it again now.
There must be lots of redhead bloggers out there. A few that spring to mind are Ginnie at In Soul, Sue at Photowannabe and MaryEllen at Xtreme-English. I'd love to hear stories of how you all survived the inevitable taunts that go with being a redhead.
Only a month to go before my first grandbaby arrives.
I wonder if........
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Leon doesn't know he's a cat. He thinks he's a stand-up comedian. He's convinced himself that his mission in life is to entertain an adoring public.

Monday, 7 January 2008
She'll never change. Her mother taught her well.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Fogged In
Friday, 4 January 2008
Movie'n'Mexican 2008
I don't really know how this annual event got started. I think just after Christmas about 8 or 9 years ago OlderSon and The Equestrienne went out for Mexican food, and then saw a movie, and the following year, more family members joined in, and it's now become a family ritual, all part of the Christmas and New Year holiday celebration.
And it always has to be Mexican food.
Chinese, Greek, Italian.... just not acceptable! Viva Mexico!
We saw JUNO. A great little movie. Nobody dies a horrible death, there are no fiery explosions and no guns, knives, or other weapons of mass destruction. No detectives. No FBI agents lurking in the shadows. Just a story about people and the human condition. And the leading lady, if you can call her that as she is definitely no lady, is a marvellous character, memorably played by Canadian actor Ellen Page. See it... you'll like it!

That's it, folks.
I declare Christmas and New Year celebrations are now officially over.