Did I mention that it rained when we were at Disney? We were there for five days and it rained every day, but the Saturday was the worst, torrents of non-stop rain all day! It was like walking around under Niagara Falls.
We stayed at Fort Wilderness Campground, and sorry about this very dark picture, but here's the enormous puddle right across the road. We needed a snorkel and flippers to leave our cosy cabin.
But the sun did eventually show it's face and guess what.... Mickey was still smiling.
Mickey turned up everywhere. I wish I had taken pictures every time we saw a Mickey face disguised as something else. He was there on the ground outside our cabin. There was a Mickey shaped pond for the hippos at the Animal Kingdom. Mickey even appeared in the pine cone pattern on the fabric of our rustic cabin drapes. I don't think Mickey has made a blockbuster movie in years, has he? And yet he's still a force to be reckoned with, at least at Wally World.And it was Mickey overload at the inevitable gift shop.