The Bride knew that
Baby Isaac was on the way (although we didn't know he was
Baby Isaac back then), she asked me to make a special baby crib quilt. So she looked through my quilt books, chose a quilt pattern, and we went shopping. Fabricland here we come!
The baby's room is painted a lovely celery green and white, with dark brown baby furniture and accents, so this combination of fabrics was just right.

After lots of careful measuring and cutting, the quilt assembly began. The basic quilt block is called
Bow Tie and consists of 4 squares, 2 of them with corners in contrasting colour, see the picture below.

These Bow Tie blocks can be sewn together to form lots of different geometric patterns, but after many rearrangements on hands and knees on the floor, and sketches going back and forth via the internet, we chose this layout.
This took 48 blocks, each containing 6 pieces of fabric.... that's 288 separate pieces, not counting the strips around the edge.

After the blocks are sewn together and pressed, the next task is to layer the pieced top with soft batting and the backing material, pin it securely, baste the layers together, and then sew through all the layers of fabric, emphasising the block pattern.
I love the cute little animals on the backing fabric.

And the finished product.... Ta Daaaa!

I've since embroidered
Isaac's name and date of birth on the backing fabric.
He loves it!