Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Best Medicine

As I mentioned a couple of blog posts ago, I've had a ten day dose of the really horrid fluey cough and cold which everyone else in the neighbourhood seems to be suffering from.

But I had some very special medicine to make me feel better.

It worked!

Hilary awarded me (and Isaac) a POTW... Thanks Hilary!


  1. I'm sure that's the best medicine possible!!!!

  2. Sweet. I still have a note attached to my dumbbell, speaking of which, it's been awhile ...

    We have missed the bugs so far -- knock on wood -- but I hope you get better soon.

  3. Aren't those sweet, loving notes the best? So adorable. Glad you're feeling better. Lots of people here are still sick, wheezy, coughing in the office place. I'm paranoid I'll catch something else.

  4. so sweet. congrats on your POTW at hilary's!

  5. I wish my wife could write her grocery list so well.

    Good medicine indeed.

  6. Definitely an awww moment as Hillary posted.

  7. Pictures and notes from our kids and grands are certainly the best medicine that there is.
    Congrats on POTW too.

  8. Very sweet! Also very sweet is we both received POTW nods at Hillary's! How cool is that?


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