Friday 5 September 2008

You say TomAYto and I say TomAHto...

I planted three tomato plants in the spring... one red, one yellow and one Tiny Tom... the little sweet ones.

So now, it's tomAHtoes with everything!

Or should that be tomAYtoes?

Oh, let's call the whole thing off!


  1. tomAHtoes.
    I have yellow ones, ordinary ones, plum ones and little juicy sweet cherry ones!

  2. TomAHtoes. Me too :-)

    No matter how its pronounced, its an absolutely lovely image :-)

  3. To MATE toes.. or toms. Lovely photo. :)

  4. They are absolutely perfect specimens. good for you!

  5. Doesn't matter how you pronounce it, they look yummy!

  6. Oh Lordy! We are so far behind in our backyard gardening. I hope that next year, we will be able to ketchup.

  7. Hehehehe - I was just thinking about that song last night, and a comedy clip I saw once - can't remember who the actress was (damned menopause!) Ditzy gal singing "You say tomAYto and I say tomAYto..." (pronouncing everything the same way) - hilarious.

    Your tomAYtoes look fabulous!

  8. Hi Shammy. I love your little dog's hair cut and the tom-ar-toes.
    Don't forget your roots m'dear. It's the long 'a' over hear!

  9. I love home grown tomAYtoes! I'm tempted to try to grow some one year, but I'd probably kill it. :(

  10. Oh yummy! When I was teaching first grade, I has going over a phonics page with the children. T was the sound of the day, and there was a picture of a tomato on the page. One little boy raised his hand and said, "Teacher, mater don't start with no t."

    Here where I am on the gulf side we seem to be spared some of the big blows. Now I don't know about Ike, but so far we haven't had any major storm. Time will tell. You should be o.k. by October.

  11. Actually, my tomAYtoes haven't been doing all that well this year. So far, only five ripe ones. I'm impressed with your bounty!

  12. I say Tomaytoes after many years of practice! But what about harf and hairf -- you know, the cream you put in your coffee! I still can't deal with that one!

  13. This year hasn't been a good year for my tomatoes, not sure what I have done wrong! The few I have picked are awesome! better luck next year do you think?

    Yes, Jo is a great guard we laways know when somebody is around. He doesn't like the church bells however! i think the whole village knows it now! LOL!

  14. Very possible colours that make beautiful the photograph.

  15. Those tomahtoes would go great with cheese and a baguette. As one living in the north and a tamahtoe lover, that picture is on the cruel side.

  16. What a wonderful, colorful bounty you have grown. I hope to get a garden planted next year. This year just went too fast for me.
    Had our Snicker this weekend. Friday night was not the most fun I have ever had. She did not like sleeping at our house..She whimpered and generally made little yipping noises from 10PM till 4 AM. We all slept from 4AM till 6:30AM. when she decided she had had enough and needed to go outside, then on to breakfast and into the day. It went well but we couldn't walk her because she's still in heat. Thank goodness we have a large backyard. So that's where I spent my day until the family returned to take her home. Of course she slept through the night there!! Oh well I really did learn alot and would do it again. I am so non-dog oriented I can't believe I actually dog sit...

  17. How Beautiful! They look absolutely scrumptious!

  18. Being European, I may of course rather go for TomAHtoes, but who cares...? At least it's spelt in the same way, not like labor or labour etc...

    Your tomatoes look extremely nice!!

  19. I love it! I say tomAYtoes myself, but I certainly know what you're talking about if you say tomAHtoes. :)


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