Sunday, 9 March 2025

My Furry Neighbour

Meet Billy the Squilly... sunning himself on my deck railings on one of the first above freezing sunny mornings for a long time. He's enjoying the warmth of the sun through his furry coat and through the wooden railing.

The cheeky chap's hoping for a yummy handout, better luck next time, Billy, nothing to spare today.


  1. ...I had never seem squirrels like this until I Travelled to Ottawa for the tulip festival. We have plenty of gray was at out bird feeders.

  2. We have a couple squirrwla in the trees in our front yard. Tanya feeds them on the front deck railing. Sometimes Lucky will bark at them and sometimes he just watches them

  3. Great capture of the Billy the squilly.
    I agree with you "looking at the weeds with a cuppa tea" was the best answer to my back. I did pull a few and thought oh my aching back. Doing it another day...

  4. He’s a big one by the look of him! A beauty!

  5. So cute !
    I would like to have a furry neighbor like this one ;)
    Have a nice week !

  6. Perhaps it's the camera angle, but that squirrel looks unnervingly large.


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